Monday, February 8, 2010

To do, to do, to do

I thought this looked so nice on my screen that I just had to take a screen shot of it so that I could share it with you all!

It is my to-do list for today. The beauty of it is that when I am done with one item, I can just delete the sticky. But I still have the screen shot of it so I know that I can go back and look at everything that I was able to do.


  1. how did you DO that!!! Where did the sticky notes come from? Is it a special program?

  2. I don't know - it came installed on my comes naturally with win 7 and vista operating systems, I think.

    I loved it when I had vista on my old laptop - although that was really the only thing that I liked about vista. My new laptop has win 7 on it.

    And unfortunately, I didn't get near the amount of stuff done that I had hoped to. But I did get a nice little chunk of it done. There's always tomorrow though - and I can try to get more done then.
