Monday, March 1, 2010


I have been reading through lots of blogs from the 28-day challenge, and now I'm feeling motivated to do my kitchen. Which scares me. There are other areas in my house that need way more work than my kitchen does. Areas that aren't even functioning as they are intended and my kitchen, well, it does.

So, now I have a dilemma. Do the project that I feel motivated to do? Do the project that needs to be done the most? Focus on the project that needs the most work and satisfy myself with a little bit of work in the kitchen afterwards as a reward for doing the big jobs? Hmmm...gotta say that I like the last option the best. But another scary realization...working in my kitchen as a reward? *shudder* When did that happen? What is happening to me? :)

Okay, so for real, I need a game plan for this week because I'm hosting a party here next week and I have a limited amount of time to get a number of things done.

Tuesday's Big Project: begin the playroom clean, sort, organizing process. It's a HUGE project and will take all day long with Hubby's help. There is so much going on in this room right now and we need to get this room together before the party next week, as I have told friends that they can bring their short people with them.

Tuesday's Reward Project: take inventory of all food in the house (pantry, fridge, freezer and deep freeze), organize food storage cupboards

Wednesday's Big Project: continue on playroom clean, sort, organizing process but the main focus of this day will be: laundry (this includes washing, drying, folding, hanging, putting away AND sorting and purging as well. The purge piles will be: donate/freecycle, garage sale/kids' store/craigslist, and toss. I will also be sorting out some clothes that the older boys have outgrown that Boo will eventually grow into.

Wednesday's Reward Project: organize the corner cupboard (I only have one!)

Thursday's Big Project: don't have one scheduled for this day as I am working 7a-5p, have card night from 7:30p-10p and then will be working again 1a-7a

Thursday's Reward Project: not sure that I will have time for this one, but if I do, I think it will be to clean out the two junk drawers in our kitchen

Friday's Big Project: continue on the laundry and the playroom work (if not done yet) begin putting our bedroom together as it is supposed to be

Friday's Reward Project: pots/pans, cooking containers cupboard

Saturday's Big Project: continue on the other projects (playroom, laundry, our room) as needed

Saturday's Reward Project: all the drawers in the kitchen

Sunday's Big Project: continue on the other projects as needed plus the other cupboards in the kitchen

Sunday's Reward Project: counters, sink and fridge

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